Saturday, September 8, 2007

Biblical Mold Inspections

Most people realize that mold is a health hazard if it is let to grow inside our homes in almost any quantity, but trying to file an insurance claim on it is a pretty hard thing to do, since most homeowner’s insurance policies do not allow for mold claims. Unless the mold was caused by something that was covered by the policy and it occurred as a direct result of that event, it is not covered under most policies. A separate insurance policy covering only mold damage needs to be purchased.

Many insurance claims adjusters inspecting your home after water damage that your home was covered for will tell you that mold is not the big issue that everyone says that it is and it will not cause you any harm if you leave it there, but this is completely untrue. They will possibly attempt to get you to agree with them or concede that you may not actually need the remediation done, but unfortunately, this is a trick. If they need proof that mold has been a problem since ancient times, something that you can do is quote the Bible to them.

The texts in Leviticus chapter 14 are the oldest written accounts of mold affecting a home or business building. The book actually calls the infestation a “leprous plague” and it states it as a growth that appears on the walls. Families went to priests for this problem just as they would for any other problem occurring that concerned their homes or their lives and as with any other problem, the advice was always followed. That advice was to take everything out of the home contaminated with the growth and to throw it away far from town in what the scripture called an “unclean place”. After this was done, the house was closed off for a week and when the priest came back to do another inspection, if the growth had returned, then the house was torn down. All the building materials were taken to that unclean place also.

It is thought that even the last plague of Moses could be attributed to mold growth on the grains that the Egyptians stored underground to protect them from the locusts. Stachybotrys atra is thought to have contaminated these stored grains and those who ate them would have likely become sick. In ancient times, the first born Egyptian male was given special privileges that other children were not, such as a second portion of dinner. These children were given special privileges because they were the heirs to whatever property their fathers owned. Since they received more food than the rest of their family members, it is likely it would have been enough to make them deathly sick.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
water damage restoration companies and
mold remediation companies across the united states.

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